Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pink floury shit is a bitch to get out of your hair

Before I begin.. please look at this.

It is so very lol worthy.

I would know. Muck up day was disgusting yet amusing and the best thing the grade has ever done. =)

So yesterday the 30th of September 2009, the Freeman Catholic College graduates of 2009 did exactly that. We graduated =D The day started off with a DVD of our Year 12 act at Freeman Day, which was the best one to date =)
Then followed by funny awards. You can guess which award I got and how Elisa presented it.
"Okay so this award, it's so so true, I mean we can pretty much always hear her even if we can't see her, I live down the road from her and I can hear her!"
*I interupt* NO YOU CAN'T!!!!
Yeah I got loudest person lololol

Anyway then we watched a DVD of memories, and I cringed at the Year 7 photo they put up of me.. yuck. And a DVD of the teachers singing Grease bahahahahaha funny shit.

Then it was our time.

We walk out into the assembly, and take our seats infront of everyone. I find Jen and stuff in the Year 10 section and plan my goodbye. When assembly was over, after many compliments as the class of 09 being the best and shit like that, we walk out. TO THE FRIENDS SONG!! OHWWW MAHHH GAWDDD!! I almost cried lol.

Found Jen and Mags, hug them, run up to Claire and Alana and hug them =(
Then me and Benita take our place in the guard of honour and it's BUHBYEEEEE FREEEMAN! The celebration on Mount St was priceless.

Get to my house, and start preparing for muck up =) Tash, Lauren, James and Ricky show up and we start making flour bombs and water bombs.

Rock up @ Horsley Park.. to the sight of almost all the grade LOOKING FILTHY.
I launch my attack with my festy noodles =) Mwahahaha. Annaliese had fish guts how fucking gross. Anyway by the time it was over cos we all pussied out from 'cops', me and Benita stank.

James tells us to go to his house. So we do. And they're not back yet. So me and Benita get the hose and hose ourselves down. Then they rock up, followed by Tash and Lauren with Borti and Colusso.

Anyway somehow we end up @ Colusso's in his pool :) Such a nice way to cool off. Pegging balls at each other, me biting James LOLOL

At about 3.30 I randomly piss bolt out of the pool, cos I realise I have to pay for UAC and I thought the post office closed at four. So here I am, getting out of my wet swimming shit, and driving like a psycho bitch to Valley Plaza (Benita was very scared lol) and when I get to the post office, my key card won't work. The fuckwits change my pin. I've had it for 3 years and they change it. Luckily the offices don't close until 5, so I decided to drop Benita off, pissbolt home to get the pin, pissbolt to Greenies and pissbolt back to get ready for grad.

I wasn't counting on Endy driving into the plaza as I drove out. LMFAO.
Such a juxtaposition in terms of our appearence. He looked very nice and flashy. I looked like some trailor trash with messy, chlorinated curly hair. :(

Anyway my pin debarcle was sorted, and UAC was paid for =)
Got ready for graduation, and got there about 5 mins before it started (fucking traffic getting into the catholic club)

I must say it is quite interesting to sit in the grad mass next to Ricky and James. James is singing songs and making alternative words to it, Ricky is just being his fucked up incongruous self.. my god it was hilarious I could not stop laughing.

*baby crying*

The whole row pissed themselves, not just me and James.
Ohh and whenever it went silent, James would always make that OHHH noise he does lmfaoooo
and I think Ricky said at the start of the mass "I just farted" LMFAOOO oh fuck.


Went to Krystle's afterwards. But firstly we went to maccas. Sitting in James' car blasting gay music (LOL) when who do I see walking into the carpark?
The juxtaposition has been turned. I looked decent, and he looked like a train wreck the poor thing :P LOL

Ricky the fuckwit gave some asian guy my number LOLOL!!

Ummm yeah Krystle's. We drank alot of Coke, got very hypo, mucked around and yeah. Went home at like 1ish.

Bad idea. Had to be up at like 7.30 for Hocco's graduation.

God damn I know too many people from that school :| LOLOL!!

It was funny looking at all the pictures, and lolling at Joanna and company, and cheering them at inappropriate times. We made that grad ceremony special ;)

Anyway then Jessica had a bit of a getty afterwards, went there and had a swim =) Met the funniest people LOLOL

Me, Joanna and Svet went to Hincho maccas for a late night snack. Endy was working the little bitch, so I ask him to make Svet's McChicken good.
She didn't realise until we got back to Jess' that the burger was fucking DIRT.


Ahh such a good past two days :) But tomorrow, it's time to study. Over and out.