Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vodka slushies and time management, wasted.

Kyrrah's 18th was quite the party I must say :)
Double parking, multiple times.
Jumping castles and bucking bulls.
Slaying inflatable dragons.
Getting it on inside Shrek. LOL!
The Marshmellow Tree.
Drunk fuck zombie-esque people at 3am.
And who can forget... THE LEECHES!
Safe to say I was pretty gone that night.. I don't even remember half the shit I did. Can't say I do want to remember it either.

My intrasession break for uni is coming up, thank god. I need a holiday, even if it's only for a week.

Started planning my 18th :) Te-te-terrigal!
And of course, hitting up Trash :)
And dindinz. Gotta have dindinz.

Past few weeks have been a pretty weird, but big shake up for me..
Emotionally, I don't know what to feel.
Physically? Is it safe to say, I want you so bad.
But now what? Where do I stand? At the moment I don't feel like I'm standing at all. Just like all the others before you.

I hate when my head and heart are at a conflict, which is pretty much most the time -_-

There's even conflict in some friendship groups.. which I am so not going into, at the risk of being dragged into it.

Who thought 2010 would be just like every other fucking year? Chasing after guys who aren't even keen, fights, back stabbing, and the struggle to stay neutral in the midst of everything.

I wish we could all grow the fuck up already.