Monday, August 31, 2009

Three parties? Damn I'm popular.

Okay so Saturday night, the 29th of August, I was invited to two parties.
Both in which I attended.
But I ended up crashing another party. Damn I'm good LOL

So the night starts off at Giles' house, with himself, Ricky, Bozz, Parker and Tom, deciding on when to go to Sarah and Rachel's party. After waiting around, finding how to get to Fabian's (in the middle of nowhere), getting McFlurries from the best place in the world (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) and boredom teasing, we're off!
It's me and Giles in my car, behind Ricky and Bozz in his car, going to get Tom. THE BITCH TURNS INTO THE WRONG STREET AND FUCKS EVERYTHING UP!! :@ LOLOL curse you.

So by now we have everyone and we're off to the party. We get there and it seems somewhat.. dead? So we wait outside a bit. After about 20 minutes of waiting, we make our grand entrance :P I felt so weirded.. I mean, I was crashing this party LOL but it didn't matter :) Giles pretty much started drinking straight away, and I was having sips of others drinks. It wasn't long until I started getting my own drinks.. big problem, as I was supposed to be the designated driver. LMFAO! But I figured it would be okay, I could just get Endy to drive to the next two parties :) LOL

So we leave after about.. half an hour, and to our dismay, the bottle-o down the road is closed :| So we go to fill up, go to Ricky's to get his house keys, and go to Hincho Quix to wait for Endy and Kirra. Endy rocks up, screaming out BUDALA KUUJAAAAAAAA, and is filling up, when he notices that I am somewhat drunk.. LOL!
*Endy hugs Ivana*
*Ivana stumbles*
Endy: Okay park your car at my house..

So after doing the most dodgiest park in the street off his street.. if that made any sense.. it's me and Giles and Kirra in Endy's BAHREEEEHNAHHHHHH and Ricky, Parker and Tom in Bozz's fully sick Mazda -_- (I think Matty the Mazda is better anyway :P LOL) With Giles' street directory in hand, us lost kids set off to find Long Point.

So we get outside the gate, and THERE IS SECURITY.. LOOOOOOL my gosh. Bozz gets the over 18's tag, meaning he was going to be my guinea pig for alcohol. Mwahahaha x) Poor Endy, the look of pain on his face as people were drinking was hilarious. Especially when he wasn't allowed to, sucks being deso isn't it Endy? THAT'S PAYBACK FOR THAT TIME YOU AND ZOMAYA WERE DRINKING ON THE HILL, AND I HAD TO BE THE FUCKING DESO! LOLOL

I walk in and we all get bombarded by people we know. Even Endy and Kirra. LOL!
I find Julia, who got me a Pure Blonde :P THANKS JULZ!
I find Paul, who is off his face and saying random incoherent shit to everyone LMFAO!
I find Tash, who too is off her chops, so we unite and be off chops together :) LOL
After school today, and everyone telling me how I was, I feel quite sorry for everyone who had to put up with me.. I mean come on, I was stumbling, and being 100x louder than I normally am.. you poor things.
The photos I saw were hilarious too.. THERE'S A PHOTO OF ME AND BOZZ! WTF, I HAVEN'T TAKEN A PHOTO WITH HIM SINCE YEAR 10 FORMAL ROFLOLOLOLOLOL. I bet you will want to see that now. Join Facebook :P LOL

We left Fabian's at around.. ten to 11, and we totally forgot about curfew LOL
So Kirra and Giles had to duck into awkward positions in the back :P LOLOLOL
While me and a sober Endy are in the front singing like maniacs, dancing like losers, almost going on the wrong side of the road (and Endy is ment to be the sober one LOL)
Oooh yes and taking photos! LOL

I think Bozz complained to me today that Endy is hard to keep up to. Welcome to my world. LOL

So me, Giles, Benita, Kirra and Endy drive to Greenies to get some vodka LOLOLOL

I didn't end up staying long as Kirra had to get home :( But it didn't matter, all the fun in the world was had that night. I was drunk and disorderly ;) LOLOLOL
I needed a night like this especially after the trials.

So a big thank you to Endy for driving me home, and picking me up again the next day, both of us hungover (as he got drunk at Kirra's to make up for not being able to earlier LOL) to get my car. Oh yeah and thanks Endy and Natasha for being picky bitches in d/t -_- LOL

And thanks to Bozz for going "sooooo when are you going to write a blog about Saturday" totally gave me motivation LOLOL


I agree with Britt.

Be aware, what you chase may not be worth catching.

Oh and btw, grow a pair. One stupid little joke, and you go all PMS on me? What the?
Even a girl on her worst day of her period wouldn't fucking go off at me like you did.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trang Pak is a grotsky byotch

And that night, I went to bed at 3.30am
But last night, that is the time I arrived home.

Yup yup yup. You heard right.

Of course this is because my mums in woop woop.. if she wasn't.. she would've been ringing me up at like 11 going MA DI SI MI DOLAZI KUCI!!!!!!

So I bet all you loyal bloggers are wondering 'what the fuck did she get up to?'. Well my friends, this was probably the best way I've ever spent a Sunday arvo/evening/Monday morning.

So Endy asks me to pick him up from work at 1, I swear most my time is spent at Hinchinbrook Maccas... -_- Anyway, one problem. I have work at 4. Sif I was bothered to go home and get ready for work. So what does the genius Endy suggest? Fucking get ready for work now. LOL okay so here I am, at a different Maccas, in a different uniform, waiting in the car for him COS I WAS TOO EMBARRASSED TO GO INSIDE IN A DIFFERENT FREAKIN UNIFORM. AND I DON'T EVEN WORK THERE. FARK BRO.

Anyway I decided to go to Livo to get the PWD dvd :) Feeling kinda hyper too, I guess so much so that Endy was all like "Uhh.. are you okay? Do you want me to drive?" BAAAAAHAHA. So yeah bad idea to go out in my MD's uniform.. I FARKEN SAW PEOPLE I KNEW :( I looked like I was a workaholic who lives in their uniform, kinda like Endy. ROFL. But meh, I got to JB and found the DVD.. and when I found it.. I was kinda screaming.. and going a bit insane and spastic.. :) Ahhh. It is sooo pretty. So so beautiful. I wanted to rape it. But no, I controlled myself :)

Oh btw I can't park for shit, so I'm all like "Can you park" *gets out of the car* ROFLLL AHAHA WHAT A FKN STOOGE

Then because much of what we do is quite spontaneous (oh my god after I wrote that and thought about what I just wrote.. it is so so true LMFAO) we decided to go to Natasha's. She had some sort of a wog/Greek family shindig happening... we totally crashed it BAHAHAHAHA oh golly. So anyway then what.. we tried getting her out? Wasn't allowed out. Watched the live set of the PWD DVD.. AND EVERYTIME I SAW ME, I WOULD GO SPASTIC! Bahahaa man, myself, Benita and Joanna look absolutely FUCKED but how awesome are we? WE'RE ON THE DVD BITCHES! Then us three got all depressed because we didn't see them on Saturday night at Big Top.. but meh, NEXT TIME ;)

Then it was time for me to leave for work. Endy's driving like a maniac, as usual, we're listening to Eurovision songs LOOOOL Marija Serifovic ftw (Y) Such a depressing, yet good song. Omg I'm getting all sad now :( Yeah I'm listening to it now.. oh my god THE DYKE CAN SING ABOUT LOVE FARKKKK :( :( :( :(
'Ma lazem ako kazem da te ne volimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' FARKKK that bit ALWAYS gets me :( :( :(

Okay enough wog shit for one blog.

So for some fucked up reason, after Matt begged me and promised and swore he wouldn't trash my car, I let him borrow it to go to Kirra's house. How nice am I. I'm very touchy about Matty the Mazda (fuck too many Matt's around, living and inanimate).. like really touchy. The whole time I was at work I was stressing and shitting bricks. Every car I saw that was a 626.. I would be like MATTY?!?!!??!?!!?! out the drive thru window (at the car that is, not the gronk driving xD). I saw Giles driving, he has the sporty 626, so I was like GILES!!!!!!!!!!! but to no avail. FUCK I EVEN SERVED A 626 IN D/T.. :( WHY MUST YOU HAUNT ME LIKE THIS WHEN MY CAR IS IN THE HANDS OF A PSYCHO SERB BITCH.. FUCK THE UNIVERSE :(

Finish time arrives, and though Endy tried to scare me "Yeah I lost a few wheels.." I breathe a sigh of relief as my car isn't trashed :) Phewwwwwwwwwwwww.
Off to Casula again to visit Nat again. Say again again. Again. Okay I'm over it.
(Side note, fuck I think this no sleep thing and Maccas @ 4am is getting to me.. I feel a bit sick right now +o( )
Hang out a bit at Nat's, but then cos Endy was ment to be home at '8.30' *cough*, we leave at like.. 10? Idk I don't really remember lol. Then I think this is when we went to Maccas. So we order snack wraps, $4.90 in total, so two snack wraps yeah? Anyway since Endy's got connections .. we didn't end up with two snack wraps. More like, a Crispy Deluxe, Double Quarter, large chips, two pies, and water. Endy got the shitty cup tap water, I got the bottle (H)

Exhibit 4878937487: The best $4.90 ever spent.

Too bad the burgers sat on the line for two hours. They were hard as a rock. -_- Ended up chucking most the shit out. Oh well, still the best $4.90 ever :) So then we hung out in the carpark like mad lads with one of his work mates.. who is such a funny cunt I swear LOOOL the shit we talked about baaaaahaha !

Then the question was posed, who would come out at this time? It was like.. 11.30. I'm pretty sure we both had the same answer: Zomaya. LOL
So I ring up /nudge and tell him to get ready to go out. BAHAA.
We pick up /nudge in his sexy singlet... damnnn what a sexy /nudge ;) baaaahaha poor Zomaya gets teased too much.

We headed to the big ass hill @ Cecil. Fuck what a climb. Seems bigger at night. Bahaha. Anyway, it was well worth it, for the view <3 So beautiful. The sea of lights.. damn I wish I took a photo. Beyond the horizon was the city, and you could see Carnes Hill and Campbelltown... Endy rekons he could see a fire. Sure buddy. Sure. LOL
And I got shit for seeing spotlights towards the M7 psssh.
Then Endy had a 'genius' idea to go to his house and get some grog and 'juice'. Good one dickhead, we just climbed Mt fucking Everest LMAO.

Anyway myself and Zomaya are parked outside his house, watching him sneak in to get the stuff. It took him about 10 or so minutes.. we seriously thought his parents caught him.
Zomaya: I'm just waiting for him to call and be like "Broooo my parents caught me.."
Ivana: The bitch hasn't got a phone -_- WE ARE FUCKING STUCK HERE.

Well he didn't get caught. He came back out with two almost empty bottles of Vodka and the juice. Time to go back to the hill. OH YEAH, around the time of driving to Matt's, Zomaya kindly reminded us that it was 12.30, and he was in the car. Hence breaking curfew restrictions. ME AND MATT SHAT BRICKS LOLOLOLOL.

So I told Zomaya to lie down everytime a car came by, in case it was the pigs. ROFL

Back to the hill. Ahh such a nice night, nice cool breeze after a oddly hot winters day. I swear the hill would be a mad piss up destination. We'll test it out soon enough ;) So here we are, the three of us, a monage e trois ;) ROFL Nah Zomaya wishes. Endy is being all gay and cracking onto Zomaya, Zomaya is all "Don't get too jealous Ivana" and I'm all "I'M BEING LEFT OUT COURSE I'M JEALOUS :( BITCHIZZZ" Bahahaha! Then began our star gazing, I SAW SHOOTING STARS ZOMFG BRO! While lying down and star gazing I GOT VIOLATED A FEW TIMES.. first time I didn't even notice.
Endy: I just grabbed your boob you know.
Ivana: Oh.. I didn't notice..
*does it again*

BAAAAAAAAHAHA omg I was pissing myself.

THEN CAME UP THE DISCUSSION OF 'SIZES'. You could say first it was for me and my bewbz. I mentioned what my size was, and Endy started saying that they do not look like that size. I thought he was saying they were smaller, I started to get extremely angry until he says something like "I'm taking you to Myer to get fitted, you are at least a D" WHAT THE FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK?!?!?!?!!? OMFG BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA maddest compliment of the year. Then began the phrases.
"You and your fucking double deeeez"
"Hey don't tease my F's.. THEY'RE FUN SIZED ;)"
"FF's.. fun fucks"
"Your melons lit that farken cigarette"
*Endy pours water and ice down my shirt*

And then some. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Back to the size thing. It was Zomaya and Endy's turn to confess sizes. ;)
Let's just say I got a ruler out. And I'm FUCKING SHOCKED LMFAO
Zomaya.. you asian ROFL I'M JOKING. LOL @ Zomaya telling us about other peoples small dicks. Funnily that, they're both latino. BAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA LATINOS HAVE THE ASIAN CURSE!!!!!!

"So Ivana, what's your size then? ;)"
Well.. I'm not going to be outdone by some Assyrian and hung-like-a-horse Wog.
12 inches.
ROFL AHAHAHA. Bitch, suck my 12 inch ;)

Man I'm close to stopping this blog ahahahaha it's too much.

After Zomaya bought the chronic smoker more smokes, we went to some boat park by the lake LOL
And they sat on me on the swing, and we had a three way swing bahahaha I almost fell off and broke my back bahahaha
By then our buzzes were dying, it was like.. 3am man. I COULDN'T BELIEVE I WAS STILL OUT FFS!! But now, we finally decided to call it a night and go home. Zomaya had work at 7 in the morning, Endy told his parents he would be home at 8.30 and 6 and a half hours later...? LOL he is going to get into troubleeeee. As for me?

Home alone f t fucking w (Y)

Got home, bought Maccas, watched Mean Girls. It was then 6am. Went on FB, not like anybody was even on LOL. Watched the Today show.
Okay I lied. I have had some sleep. I went to bed at 7 and woke up at 10.
Wow. I slept so much bro.
I don't even feel that tired right now =\ Okay I kinda do, but I kinda don't.. it's really weird. =\

But I must say, 15th of August 2009 will imprint in my mind (Y)
The adventures of Ivana and Matt squared (Y)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

That's some nice study.

The two best things about night study? Away from distractions, and a good excuse to stay out late on a school night.

Which is what Tuesday and Wednesday was all about.

So it all started when myself, James, Ricky and Matt decided to hang out after study/work. But what to do on a boring ol' Tuesday night? Well.. the options of driving around like psychos was always open, but James opted for 'Hide and Seek with cars'. It's basically hiding and seeking.. but in your cars, and in a specific area. We decided that area would be around the backstreets of Cecil High, or as James said "Near the Jesus house". This house doesn't know that Christmas isn't here yet... LOLOL!

So anyhoo it was James and Ricky in James' car, and myself and Matt in mine. I must say we had a good hiding spot.. which was the same place we started HAAAAAHAHA. James and Ricky's turn, and I must say.. my womanly intuition caught them out, how good am I at this game (H) Our turn again.. and as I'm searching for a place, Matt starts flipping off some car which was going fast and almost hit me (how I didn't notice that is beyond me..). It got worse when this stupid Echo started FOLLOWING USSSS! I did NOT want a repeat of the Great Cecil Escape from Sunday (that itself is another story for another time) so here I am trying to outrun this car in the tight Cecil streets, while find Ricky and James at the same time to tell them to GTFO! We eventually find them, tell them to get out, BUT END UP FOLLOWING THE ECHO AHAHAHA.. in fact we followed it all the way to Hungry Jacks.. and shat bricks.

Well I did cos I'm such a pussy.

Anyhoo I'm pretty sure we went to the hill after that, or was it before? Eh. Bloody James and Ricky hijacked my car, and my screaming literally disturbed everyone.. Cassie thought somebody was getting bashed LOLOLOL. Ricky the dickhead ripped up the handbrake AND I HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT and I saw skid marks on the road and oh my god I HATE YOU AAAAAAAAAAAALL!

That wasn't the end of it, Matt ends up hijacking my car too! Poor Matty the Mazda.. he has been through so much =( Anyway this time I manage to get into the passengers seat.. and I shat enough bricks to be able to build a mansion with it. MATT'S A FUCKING PSYCHO. Even JAMES who is the biggest fucking SPEEDER and DRIVES WITH HIS FOOT OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW couldn't catch up to Matt.. WHAT THE FUCK MAAAAAAN.

Then we had a mini food fight at the Valley Plaza.. Ricky got chocolate topping all on my bonnet, and Matt got soft serve all on James' rear screen.. ahh classic. Driving around the car park like douches, almost getting caught by security LOL. Blasting Sexy Bitch, singing along to whatever song was on (I did it quite poorly.. lol) And yeah, ended up lying to my mum which just was.. funny. LOL

THEN COMES WEDNESDAY NIGHT! The full frontal food fight. Love my use of alliteration there. I think myself and Matt started it :S Not quite sure.. ooh I'm sure it was. With our large waters, pickles and chicken sauce bwahaha. Poor Cassie was like "What the fuck is going on.." HAHAHA

So we get them, drive off like mad, and watch them go to Maccas to get their own shit. This is when we planned our preemptive strike *giggle* I park on the side, we bring out all the shit.. sneak up to James and Ricky ordering in d/t, and PELT them with our water and whatever else we have, and piss bolt. Funny thing is, Mikky and Alden were the car ordering behind.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry guys :P It was so funny hearing them threaten to kill me today, and Cassie telling us how she heard the whole thing .. aahahaha omg I'm dying here.

We pissbolt to the car, and pissbolt away from James and Ricky. BUT THEY CATCH US and start to chase us, until we head to Hungry Jacks. They tell us to come to the hill, so we got some more ammo. Me, having my good ol womanly intuition, knew they would be waiting for us in Marija's street.. so I went the back way to get them. And what do you know?! THEY'RE THERE! Matt aims a cup of water at the car.. and *bam* he got it AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I've never driven that fast in my life.

The assholes then lie to us that we broke the window. We actually started to feel sorry and got scared. THEN THEY 'SURPRISE' US WITH ANOTHER ATTACK, but this time, I grow some balls.




After our food fight, we went to the drive thru car wash. NOTE TO SELF: Do not trust Matt with car keys.
Ivana "Hold my keys for a second"
Matt "Okay... BYEEEEEEEEEEE *runs out*"

ANOTHER NOTE TO SELF: Never forget that you can't trust Matt.
Ivana "Hang on I'm going to put my plates back on"
*Matt drives off*

I hate you all. All three. -_- Sif conspire against me.

But yeah then my mum started ringing and I don't know why Matt finds my ringtone so funny.. but he does ahaha.
She rung twice, didn't answer.
We tried to get her to ring via telepathy.. didn't work.

I got home, and got my keys confiscated.


You may ask, don't you have Trial HSC exams to study for?
Yes I do. But all work and no play makes Ivana a dull girl.

And fun was had. :) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA