You hear stories.. you hear them everyday. Death and his followers, taking away the ones who should have lived. It's just never expected, that those stories would ring true to those who you know..
I'm sure you all have heard about the very untimely death of Nelson. For respectful reasons, I'm not going into the details. Those who knew him already know, and those who don't, it's best that it stays that way.
I knew Nelson through work. I knew him as simply 'Ramsena's ex' at first. As well as the pretty boy, the one who would be likely to have a personal fan club of girls following him around. I got to know him, and discovered so much more about this kid. His passion for screamo, hardcore, death metal (or whatever the fuck you crazy kids call it these days), his undeniable talent for screaming vox, that signature smartass and sarcastic personality which, I must admit, wasn't always welcomed at work. However, it was that personality which made him an icon at work.
I'll never forget the times and shifts spent at work.. well, when he did do any work :P Most times he spent sitting on the tool box just having a bludge, and sometimes I would join him. Those times where you threatened me with APC spraying or pickle throwing.. and most times you followed through with those threats. Oh and we cannot forget, those names you made for poor Josh. Steven and Sebastian, and how it would shit him to hell. Those shifts were the funniest :) You were a joy to the boys of back area, and you will remain that way for always.
Your musical prowess was undeniable. From Silence the End, to Pray for Death, the material you produced was truly epic. Watching you at shows was always fun. It's a shame I only got to see you a few times live.. Rydalmere and Worlds Greatest Shave I think. The fuckwits at Hype should have let you play that set.. I'll always remember that as the final gig you deserved. If only I had that final memory of the band in action..
I'm currently listening to an original song by the band, Condemn the Oppressor. I remember Marija sending it to me, and commenting on it's raw talent and how it sounded so professional. It truly is. I suggest anybody who reads this to youtube their stuff.. you will be impressed.
I saw you a few days ago.. we made smartass comments to each other as we always do. I just couldn't possibly imagine that would be the last time I would ever lay eyes on you or speak to you..
If only you could see just how many people are in shock, tears and are upset over the untimely loss. It rings true that the Lord does take the good young. No matter the differences we may have had, you truly were a down to earth, good person.
Work simply wont be the same without you...
Nothing will be.
The local scene has lost it's best up coming talent.. <3
So here is to your life, a life no doubt lived to the fullest, but one that deserved to have been continued..
Rest in peace Nelson David Faul.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
In memorial. <3
Posted by ivvayy is a sicko. at 5:50 AM
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