Sunday, September 20, 2009

The final week of my thirteen year sentence.

Can you believe that school is about to draw to a close?
Oh my goodness. I know I can't.
It's such a routine. Wake up. Toilet. Dressed. Eat. Teeth. Bus. School. Although lately replace bus with car :P Cos I got my P's now and shit. Cos I'm a bad bitch you know.

It'll be hard to replace the void of school, I think..
I'm not complaining, I hate school. LOL. But still, I'll miss those bludge days, those lunch times.. *sigh*
Can't wait to get away from some faggots. But I'll miss all the awesome people =(

Anyway last night was Amy's shindig =) Twas very fun. The look on her face as we all yelled SURPRISE! was epic. HAHA! Chantelle's penis cake was also epic. I had the balls =) And the pubes.. mmmmmmmmmmm chocolate flakesssssssssssssss =)
I love David's stupid dance moves, oh and Todd's too =)
Goood night indeed.

Picked up Endy afterwards from work. Stayed out heaps late. Mum didn't find out what time I got home LOLOL =)

Slept until 12. I love sleeping in =) ahahaha! Bludged around before work, then Natasha rings me saying if I still wanna go 3OH!3. STUPID QUESTION! LOL! Anyway I decide to take her to Marconi to get the tickets. I'm such a lifesaver, I took her out of the house when her dad was over =) I'M THE BEST. So here we are, driving along. I tried to get to Cowpasture Road.. BUT THERE WAS 'LONG DELAYS' AS THE NEON LIGHT SAID, so I'm liek FUCK THISSS *chucks a u-ie* and I had to go the long way -_- LOL! Blasting Brokencyde and Bullet down the highway, ahh (Y)

So we get "three tickets to 3OH!3 please", and decide to visit Endy at work.. with the tickets. We walk in, and I start waving the tickets around. When he saw them.. well.. you could see almost his whole head over the ice cream machine. He kept jumping up and down in excitement with this cute smile on his face LOLOLOL! Me and Natasha pisssseeedddd ourselves. It was cute :P Then off to take Natasha home, and off to work.

I love Sunday nights. Me and Andrew (it should also be Brittany but that dumb bitch April WHO BY THE WAY NO SHOWED.. was ment to work.) at the front, George and Matt at the back. Hilarious. Matt and George started talking about balls, and scratching balls, then sniffing balls.. as I was drinking apple juice. I went to laugh, but instead ALL THE JUICE IN MY MOUTH WAS SPAT ALL OVER GEORGE AND MATT.

That was the fucking funniest LOLOLOL!

Oh and 'telling Andrew's secrets' and getting bashed up for it. You bitch Andy =( We full had an all in brawl ahahahaha.
Anyway here I am, running and presenting, and I look to front counter and who do I see?

Some faggot holding a 3OH!3 ticket.

hello Endy. =P

Anyway I practically jumped on him LOLOL opps and he was telling me how he FINALLY bought a car off his parents. About time. No more lifts from me.. ahaha. Anyway he asks for water, me being the idiot I am genuinly thought he was thirsty. I give it to him and he says "Watch your car"

... fuckwit. LOL

He left the water on my car roof, and STOLE MY P PLATE! I ran out of the store in the middle of a rush, and was like GIMMI BACK MY P PLATE YOU BITCHHHHHHHHHHH! and he's driving away holding up the P plate as if to say "SUCKKKKKKED IN BITCHHHHHHH"

Budala kuja. -_-

Anyway then I begin to order take as Cynthia went home. At about 8.20, I get this car who practically raps the order. I ask "Could you please repeat that, a little slower?" they reply "NO."
I'm thinking oh god.. then I hear a little girls voice going IVANA IVANA! And I'm like wtf.. then I realise. IT'S NATASHA AND COMPANY! LOLOLOLOL
After driving around again and actually taking an order for them, they gave me a donut =) yaaaaaay!

Home time then. And now here I am. At home. Blogging.
Really don't want to wake up for school tomorrow.. but hey. This will be the last monday I ever have to wake up for high school. Fuck yes.
It would be awesome if my uni timetable didn't have lectures on a monday. I would love you forever, whichever uni I go to.

Anyway, until next time I have anything interesting to blog about. Over and out =)


Natasha FTK said...


that was priceless
my mum rapping me order
me pissin myself in the backseat laughing.

i didnt even get it all
big mac
fillet o fish
apple pie ?
coke and thickshake or some shit