Friday, September 18, 2009

I love weekends.

Steph Vs. Claire. LOLOL!
Alana had to break it up. HOW ADORABLE =) ahahaha "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!"

Other than that, school was boring.
Got told off for not handing in my Modern essay. Get fucked, I had other essays to do.

Could not wait to get out the gates, to my car and to get the hell home. As soon as I stepped foot into my home, my home phone began ringing. Low and behold, it was Endy asking for a lift to work. Unfortunatly (for him =P) I had to refuse. I have a party to get all prettied up for!

So Andrew Golden's partaaay was tonight. The boy turned sixteen last Monday. Party with the Maccas crew? That should be fun =) And it was!
Good old bitch sessions, dancing like crazy, taking a ton of photos.
Alcohol was flowing :( I'm starting to develop a bad habit of drinking at parties when I'm supposed to be driving. I wasn't that bad tonight. I was making vodka/creaming sodas for some people, and I took the weakest one I made. One day I am going to get pulled over by the cops and breathalised, and it won't be out of my system SO I'll loose my license =( Oh shame.

Cannot wait for all the photos :) HURRY UP BRITT LOL!

LOL oh shit got bashed. (I'll be surprised if she ever somehow reads this. Bothered much?)

Fuck I'm exhausted =( At least I get to have a good sleep in tomorrow. Was ment to hang out with Alex, Benita and Michelle but she's too sick to leave the house or something like that. Oh well. Next weekend I'm not free so.. our peace treaty will have to wait. LOL.

Cannot wait for the next party now :)
*sigh* I love weekends.

I think that shall be all for now. :) Over and out!