Thursday, June 4, 2009

Peace in mind, peace in heart

I try my best to be a good friend to all my friends. But it's so hard to keep a balance. In trying to keep this balance, I actually upset the balance. And now one of my best friends is probably upset at me. She won't tell me, but I can feel it. I'm sorry :(

So a bit has happened since I last blogged, my Society and Culture excursion and a couple of people being upset at me. One for no apparent reason? I don't know, I just heard about it.

So the bell for period six went, which marked our departure from school to the Nan Tien Buddhist temple at Wollongong =) This was the best overnight trip of my life, even if my infamous 'Red Shore' pains were around most the trip.

After checking into our lovely rooms, we went and watched the bell ceremony. Man that drum was massive, and the ringing went on for ages. Then we met one of the nuns, I loved her she was so peaceful and seemed so enlightened lol. She took us for meditation and gosh it was good. I felt so calm and peaceful, something I hardly get these days. Now that I know how to do it, I'm going to try and do it more now.

After that was dinner, which I barely touched since I was in too much pain to have an appetite. But from the few bites I did have, it was tasteless. Since Buddhists are vegetarian, the 'meat' in our rice and noodles was actually tofu.. blah. I love my real meat too much.

Then after that was tea chan meditation or some crap. I felt bad for the nun running this because some people were giggling over I don't know what. But oh well. The tape playing in the background was funny. Repetative chants of Buddha's name I think it was? I don't know, but me and Annaliese started to chant along haha.

Then it was back to our rooms for some nice mucking around! I FUCKING MISSED CHASER D: I didn't realise until about 9:30 and by then it was finished D: STUPID FUCKING ORIGIN CARRIED ME AWAY! So we indulged in a junk food binge, I visited others and discovered you could ring people by typing in their room numbers.. so then started the pranks LOL. Sarah loved her one ;) Bahahahaha

Of course, I was having Facebook/MSN withdrawls. So here I was on my phone chatting away :) This was when the oddest of all odds happened. I spoke to an old friend. It was his birthday the next day, and I thought I would be gracious and wish him a happy birthday. It turned out good, I was very pleased :)

After annoying our teachers with our screams, taking tonnes of pics and recording Lauren in the shower LOLOLOLOLOLOL, I settled in my warm bed with the electric blanket, Facebooked some more, then went to sleep. Not like I got much sleep.. but I tried.

Then up at 6am.. and had to piss bolt getting ready to be out by 6:15 for the Drum and Bell ceremony. Which was cool. Then some more meditation, and some tai chi too =) It was nice. Breakfast time then, and it was a good brekkie. Hash browns and CROISSANTS! I thought of William straight away LOLOL.. they were nice croissants ;)

Then we had a proper tour of the whole grounds of the temple, and this is when my pains started to return. It got so bad that when I was finally able to go back into the rooms to get some pills (I had to sacrifice lunchtime and freetime), I started dry heaving :( Luckily Liana supplied me with the drugs :) Thanks babes. So while the rest of the SAC kids got to have free time and lunch, I was in my room, infront of the heater, watching the 11am news and Dr Phil.

Then came time to go home, yay! We finished watching Mamma Mia on the way back and now the song Lay All Your Love On Me is stuck in my head. We also stopped at Prestons Maccas since we were all craving meat =) Hahaha! And back at school we came, just as period 6 finished.

Then came night fall, and late night shopping! Me, William and later Denita =) Me and Willeh got our Deez Nuts tickets, and our Moshcard ;) Woooyeah! The highlight of the night had to be Maccas. Us 3 cross the road, and some P plater almost runs us over. William says "He almost ran us over!" and I said "It's a she.. oh no it's a he", and this chick in the passenger seat yells out "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SLUT?" and I was like "Haha wtf I didn't say anything" so I keep walking, and again she's like OI SLUT so I go "FUCKIN RELAX AYE". Then the car wasn't going anywhere, and she got some guy to go into Maccas and tell me to go outside to which I replied "Yeah sif" or something. LOLOL fuckin lads/ladettes these days. Full try find any excuse to start trouble.

Oh and school today, the 5th of June, was just boring as usual. I found out somebody was angry at me, for something I never did. Haha.. how funny.

So now its the long weekend, but I'll be spending most of it on assignments. I found out there is a movie marathon on Sunday night/Monday morning.. but after last movie marathon, I think it's best I don't go lol. I don't even have money for it anyway.

So it's 14 days until my birthday and my party, I'm so excited :) and a couple of days after that, on the 22nd, I go for my P's! Golly.. wish me luck. =D I'm hoping I get them because I'll need them by July the 2nd and the 14th lol.
Birthday time is a great time, especially when people are so secretive about your gifts. Oh and when they ask what you want.. I love that. (Note the sarcasm). Denita and William exchanged something in PRIVATE which is for me.. and now the suspense is killing me. James and Benita have been telling me they got my present.. AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY ARE! GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! This is KILLING me

Writing in the log book just kills me. I hate it. I shouldn't have stopped writing in it since January.. now this catch up writing is fucking gay. I'm up to 82 hours and 1 minute day time and 12 hours 35 minutes night time, to the month of April. Now if I'm right in thinking its 100 day and 20 night, I'm almost there!

Over and outskies