Mood: Content
Music: Truth of the World - Evermore
Craving: A thickshake
Today was a good, and interesting day :)
Had that debate in Modern History today about whether or not Germany's democracy was destined to fail from the start, and well.. I owned it :) Mwahahahaha, admit it Bozz and Gerard. I freakin owned.
I also got Legal back :) And I'm happy with my mark. 19/20 for first section, 9/12 for second. I'm 6th in the grade now (H) Legal is officially my best subject.
Since it's Tash's birthday on Sunday, we had a party for her today too :) Whenever we have parties at school for people in our group's birthday, Zac ends up hogging all the cake. But today it seemed all the food he had to eat had formed itself into a trail towards him, as Tash pointed out it was the 'trail of destruction' HAHAHAHA

As some of you more 'dedicated' readers i.e. Liana would know, several blogs back I posted an 'apology' to an old friend of mine who got offended by my 'coping mechanism' after our friendship fell apart because of his negligence. Well I saw something today which makes me 100% confident that he never bothered actually reading it. So do I retract my statement? No, because I actually am sorry. But I just want to refute his statement, since period five Modern History made me realise I'm a hectic refuter. I never wanted to stop being your friend, that was your choosing, so don't say it's because I was the bitch, when really, it was you who was the prick. You wanna know why you're a prick?
- All I asked of you was to be truthful to me, and even you couldn't do that.
- "It's not like I'm going to turn around and get a girlfriend that's not you" Remember that? You should, you said it. And what do you know? After you told me you couldn't have a relationship because you were 'turned off by them' because of your ex, you did exactly that. Thank you so much for contradicting yourself.
- I loved you with every ounce of strength I could muster, and obviously that ment nothing to you since you left like that.
- Not only did you lie to me and disregard me in all ways possible, you then decided to rub in my face just how happy you are with her, when you knew full well how upset I was.
- To make things worse, you put me down further when I was upset simply because I had expressed my emotions in an (I admit) inappropriate manner. Had you had any heart, you would understand why I was being 'such a bitch', and just leave me be until I had calmed down.
- The fact that I've admitted I was wrong for something you had a problem with, and you still have a problem with it.. I mean what the fuck?
- You completely gave up on me, a supposed 'close mate' of yours. I'm sorry, but a mate, let alone somebody who had apparently liked me back, would never fuck over their mate like that, then completely dog then when they needed you the most.
And if you do read this, then I hope it sinks in deep.
Doing graphs for my questionnaire is annoying.. I have to download 2007 word since Open Office have crap graphs. This is going to take forever.
Work tonight was crap, store manager was working, and William came to visit. So I couldn't talk to him since she made me stay in Drive Thru to take the people's money. William is such a darl, he full came to the drive thru window just to talk to me :) Oh, and told me that the fugliest sped was shit talking about me, and how David was close to hitting her. Gosh I have the bestest friends :)
And some random texted Benita saying "Hey baby are you thinking of my face" or some shit like that HAHAHAHA
Weekends going to be hectic, working on assignments all weekend. (Note the sarcasm)
And now I bid farewell :)
you are so lucky i didnt ring you and abuse you LOL
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