Mood: Too fucking lazy
Music: Infinite Death - Thy Art Is Murder
Craving: Chocolate
Thursday 2 is the worst day on the timetable.
Today was the exception to the rule.
Every year the school has that biggest morning tea crap for raising research for breast cancer. We sell Krispy Kremes. Back in the day (Year 7) one donut would have costed a dollar. Over the years, that went up to a dollar fifty.. and today it was two dollars. God that is almost as much as it is at the actual shop. But anyway I still bought one, cos this is the only time in the year I actually get to eat the bloody calories in a wheel. Well.. apart from post Rydalmere semis at the start of this year, that was another exception to the rule.
Since they all got so bloody expensive, nobody wanted to buy any. Not even the Asians who you would see buying boxes in previous years. The teachers got desperate, and sent out Year 12s to sell them in the playground. At this point Julia bought myself another donut =] I felt like a heffa, but what the hell.. its not like I'll be having another donut soon anyway. An exception to the rule
Then came DOUBLE RELIGION. Back in the day when I had a proper Religion teacher, I wouldn't mind double Religion. But, now that I had to switch classes due to Benita's class having many 2 unit drop outs, that can no longer be. My first term in this new class wasn't too bad actually, we had a decent unbiased teacher. But since she had a bun in her oven, she had to leave. Enter 2009.. and enter.. our new teacher. I need not mention names, but he is infamous for being a horrendous teacher.
Anyway out of all the doubles I have, only Religion and Retail seem to last a million years as opposed to 100 minutes. Why did the timetable fairies have to make the two worst doubles ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So double Religion is usually horribly boring.. and today was no exception. The only exception was when returning from our inbetween lesson potty break, I tripped Benita over. BAHAHAHAHA! How epic.
Anyway then finally came lunch time. And with it came a certain incident. You see.. Benita is never funny. So she will take any chance to try and be funny. Today was no exception. Although the exception to that rule was.. she actually was funny. So the bell went and I went over to ask Carmine and Daniel something, and as I was returning I noticed Viet acting a little more spastic than usual. I picked up my folder, and thats when I realised.. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BAG?!?!?!?! I look up, and see Benita shitting herself, HOLDING MY BAG and trying to dispose of it! Now apparently my face was like Shoop Da Woop's.. so judging by anything I looked like this.
So Benita is now looking quite frantic as she didn't know where to place my bag. Cos she's also a noob in pulling stunts like this, she was also quite slow. She pulled herself together eventually and put it on the lowest tree branch just when I caught up. So I took it down, hobbled towards her (I was holding my bag and my folder :|) and good thing she was behind a herd of Year 7s.
Cos this enabled me to get my swing ready.. and WHAM! Then to finish it off, I barged into her. SHE SMASHED INTO THE WALL! It was the most ownage thing I have ever done!
THEN SHE TELLS HER FKN FAMILY ABOUT IT. FFS, THEY ALREADY THINK I'M A RETARD (a funny one though) COS OF ALL THE STORIES SHE TELLS THEM! She even showed her mum that photo of me from Switch where Joanna was whacking me and my face was epic lol. I would post if I had, but I don't, and Facebook lags.
Retail was no exception to the rule. It was just boring as usual. I almost fell asleep.. no joke. The only thing that was remotely interesting was Lyndon spinning Bunyan multiple times on his chair, then Bunyan getting up and walking all lopsided haha. I really don't know how I'm going to do my HSC paper for Retail. I barely pay attention in it since it isn't a hard subject, and I'm always falling asleep. I don't even remember half the shit we've learnt. The worst part is, Year 11 stuff is in the HSC as its a stupid TVET course. FML
Rant time:
The 'friend zone' doesn't exist. It is a stupid excuse for not going out with somebody you obviously like and hit off well with. Only pussies who don't want to 'ruin the friendship' use this as an excuse. Anyway this came up in one of those 'Bozz bagging out my blog' convos. After suggesting he will fall into homosexual love with Gerard, I get this
daniel says:
the time for thats long past, we're in the friend zone
daniel says:
friend zone
daniel says:
the un breakable barrier to a relationship
daniel says:
noone has ever broken the friend zone
Well people, I am here to tell you today. THE FRIEND ZONE IS A PATHETIC EXCUSE, AND IF ANYBODY USES IT, THEY THEMSELVES ARE PATHETIC. It is very possible to break this so called 'friend zone' it's just that people are too scared too. People these days need to stop thinking with their heads, but their hearts. In the end, listening to our hearts is listening to what we truly want.
Over and out.
- Legal
- Society
- Double Religion
- Double Retail
Today was the exception to the rule.
Every year the school has that biggest morning tea crap for raising research for breast cancer. We sell Krispy Kremes. Back in the day (Year 7) one donut would have costed a dollar. Over the years, that went up to a dollar fifty.. and today it was two dollars. God that is almost as much as it is at the actual shop. But anyway I still bought one, cos this is the only time in the year I actually get to eat the bloody calories in a wheel. Well.. apart from post Rydalmere semis at the start of this year, that was another exception to the rule.
Since they all got so bloody expensive, nobody wanted to buy any. Not even the Asians who you would see buying boxes in previous years. The teachers got desperate, and sent out Year 12s to sell them in the playground. At this point Julia bought myself another donut =] I felt like a heffa, but what the hell.. its not like I'll be having another donut soon anyway. An exception to the rule
Then came DOUBLE RELIGION. Back in the day when I had a proper Religion teacher, I wouldn't mind double Religion. But, now that I had to switch classes due to Benita's class having many 2 unit drop outs, that can no longer be. My first term in this new class wasn't too bad actually, we had a decent unbiased teacher. But since she had a bun in her oven, she had to leave. Enter 2009.. and enter.. our new teacher. I need not mention names, but he is infamous for being a horrendous teacher.
Anyway out of all the doubles I have, only Religion and Retail seem to last a million years as opposed to 100 minutes. Why did the timetable fairies have to make the two worst doubles ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So double Religion is usually horribly boring.. and today was no exception. The only exception was when returning from our inbetween lesson potty break, I tripped Benita over. BAHAHAHAHA! How epic.
Anyway then finally came lunch time. And with it came a certain incident. You see.. Benita is never funny. So she will take any chance to try and be funny. Today was no exception. Although the exception to that rule was.. she actually was funny. So the bell went and I went over to ask Carmine and Daniel something, and as I was returning I noticed Viet acting a little more spastic than usual. I picked up my folder, and thats when I realised.. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BAG?!?!?!?! I look up, and see Benita shitting herself, HOLDING MY BAG and trying to dispose of it! Now apparently my face was like Shoop Da Woop's.. so judging by anything I looked like this.
Cos this enabled me to get my swing ready.. and WHAM! Then to finish it off, I barged into her. SHE SMASHED INTO THE WALL! It was the most ownage thing I have ever done!
THEN SHE TELLS HER FKN FAMILY ABOUT IT. FFS, THEY ALREADY THINK I'M A RETARD (a funny one though) COS OF ALL THE STORIES SHE TELLS THEM! She even showed her mum that photo of me from Switch where Joanna was whacking me and my face was epic lol. I would post if I had, but I don't, and Facebook lags.
Retail was no exception to the rule. It was just boring as usual. I almost fell asleep.. no joke. The only thing that was remotely interesting was Lyndon spinning Bunyan multiple times on his chair, then Bunyan getting up and walking all lopsided haha. I really don't know how I'm going to do my HSC paper for Retail. I barely pay attention in it since it isn't a hard subject, and I'm always falling asleep. I don't even remember half the shit we've learnt. The worst part is, Year 11 stuff is in the HSC as its a stupid TVET course. FML
Rant time:
The 'friend zone' doesn't exist. It is a stupid excuse for not going out with somebody you obviously like and hit off well with. Only pussies who don't want to 'ruin the friendship' use this as an excuse. Anyway this came up in one of those 'Bozz bagging out my blog' convos. After suggesting he will fall into homosexual love with Gerard, I get this
daniel says:
the time for thats long past, we're in the friend zone
daniel says:
friend zone
daniel says:
the un breakable barrier to a relationship
daniel says:
noone has ever broken the friend zone
Well people, I am here to tell you today. THE FRIEND ZONE IS A PATHETIC EXCUSE, AND IF ANYBODY USES IT, THEY THEMSELVES ARE PATHETIC. It is very possible to break this so called 'friend zone' it's just that people are too scared too. People these days need to stop thinking with their heads, but their hearts. In the end, listening to our hearts is listening to what we truly want.
Over and out.
Friend Zone is definitely bullshit. Fucking amazing how many people value 'friendship' over a 'relationship', but it makes you think whether you can really hold back love anyway.
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