Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Dimitri, do you really think I'm royalty? ... Then stop bossing me around!"

Mood: Tired as!
Music: There's No Business To Be Done On A Dead Planet - All Shall Perish
Craving: To watch this DVD!!

James is a fucking psycho driver.
I have probably mentioned that before, but I will mention it again.
From slamming it in carparks, small streets, wherever, to screaming at every driver, to flying over speed bumps. Oh and not to mention his sharp, retarded turns. God help me.
And that was only the driver, us passengers ended up screaming out windows and barking at people LOL good times :) Should do it more often.

So we went to Liverpool tonight for some late night shopping.. got a bit worried that I might run into people I didn't particularly want to run into.. but luckily I didn't :)
I bought my mummy a wallet, and I bought myself Anastasia on DVD! MY GOSHHHH I've been searching EVERYWHERE for it and I finally found it :) I want to watch it now but I can't cos I'm gunna go to bed real soon.

Currently watching/listening to Eden's cover of 10 Signs You Should Leave by Emmure.. and he's doing alright.. for a noob ;) LOL
So yay for Eden

On this day last year, I would have just gotten out of the Avenged Sevenfold concert. It was a mad concert, I was thinking about it tonight. Having front barrier.. so close to Zacky Vengeance.. oh my gosh he was fucking sexy. This time last year I was probably saying "OMG BEST CONCERT ZACKY'S FUCKING GORGEOUS" and what not. It feels like it was just yesterday, funny how time flies so quickly.

It's my birthday in a month and a few weeks :) Which means I can go for my license :) I am so excited, this means more gigs for me!

BRITT! You must tell me ALLLL the gossip! I'm dying to hear!

I didn't do my Religion essay, dicks to Religion. I got better things to do.. like my PIP speech and my English speech.. dicks to English too actually. Dicks to all of school.


Over and out :)