Mood: I don't even know
Music: One More Night - Phil Collins
Craving: Anything edible. Fuckin starving.
YEAH I don't know why I'm listening to Phil Collins either. I've got this habit of listening to music other than anything ending with 'core' lately, especially soppy sad songs. What is wrong with me.
(Don't answer that with 'Everything', you smartasses.)
Anyhoos, school is really starting to stress me out. All these assessments, and high expectations.. its getting to me. I wish it could just be how it was like back in the junior years. No expectations, no impending external examinations which can determine your future, and most of all.. just being able to cruise through. I hate waking up in the mornings, because I cannot bear facing another day in that hell hole. Not only does school work put me off, so does having to be around people you don't like. That happened to me today, and I was just like 'Eugh.' but oh well what can you do.. gotta soldier on.
I often find while I type these blogs, I daze off and end up staring at a particular thing on my wall while I collect my thoughts. At the moment, I have dazed at two things. A photo of me and Benita, and a replica of the burn list I created for Denita as part of her Christmas present. While I don't have a copy of that on the computer, I do have the photo.

If I could but rewind to that time this year, and just hold onto that happiness (and the person who made me that happy for that matter), then I wouldn't even have anything to worry about and regret today.
As for that burn list? Why.. you wouldn't want to cross LIANA!* me and Denita.. because you will end up on that list :P It's so fun just to gaze up to it and look at the names, and think about why they are on that list.. and what would you do if they actually said sorry to you. It's been a topic of our phone conversations many times.. and answers range from 'Toofing in their face' and 'Giving them a bone crushing hug which screams your forgiveness'. We are such odd people.
I think that is all for tonight, over and out :)
* Liana and Chantel both wanted a mention in a blog AGAIN.. so I told them I would chuck them in :P hahahaha
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