Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's a small world after all

Mood: Tired as fuck
Music: Misery Business - Paramore
Craving: Sleep

Okay movie mara was freakin hilarious.
It starts off me and Joanna taking weird photos on the road in our pjs while waiting for Jess and her mate to pick us up. Hahahahaha.
Anyway then they came, and since I haven't seen Jess in ages, I was filling her in on what she's missed. Then it just so happens that the girl who was driving is ex best friends with.. her. LOLOLOLOL!! Oh my gosh what a small world. Tash is awesome, finally someone who can truly understand! LOL. I also find it funny how people can be all net hero to you, but when they see you in the flesh, they're nothing but chicken shit. And well, I think we proved last night, that we are no net heros.

The world really does work in wonderous ways, it's so funny how strangers in a group can meet for the first time and already share a large thing in common, which is being fucked over by the same person in similar situations. It's even funnier when you see them at the place you're at, and you're just standing there with the other person all like "Yeah you never saw this coming aye, BE VERY AFRAIDDDDDD".

So now begins our loooooooooooooong night. V, No-Doz tablets and Coke couldn't keep me up.. well I was up, but I felt like falling asleep sooo fast. We watched 17 Again (which was sooo good), Yes Man (which was.. okay) and we didn't bother for Inkheart cos it just sounded shit lol.

But before all this, in the morning, Alex had a change of mind and pms-ed over a sentance in a blog, and typically, told me all this on msn. That's when the change of heart that I needed finally arrived. He is definatly not the same person I became friends with and grew to like so much, and as Denita would say, "there comes a point where you just realise you are too good for all their shit and you just move the fuck on". Amen sister.

Anyway we left at around 5am, and waited for Maccas to open for like an hour. Gah so tedioussssssssssssssssss I was so freakin tireddddddd. Most of the group stayed to watch Inkheart, and it was funny cos the centre made the people pay for parking but we didn't have to LOLOL. You could hear people yelling out I'M NOT FUCKIN PAYING over the phone ahaha and apparently a boom gate got broken LOL

EVEN THE BEST DAMN CARAMEL MOCHA I'VE EVER HAD COULDN'T KEEP ME UP, so Andreas took me home =) Thanks lol considering that you and everyone else kept complaining that I live so far. Sorry you 2168 fags LOL

Now I got hunger pains and I'm so tired and I feel really PMS-y and I want to sleep more.