Okay today I saw the two bitches who made my life miserable due to the fact they couldn't keep their filthy hands away from my men.
I saw one in real life, and a photo of the other.
I do not fucking understand what is it with guys and ditching me for uglier girls. Yeah okay I'm not that flash either, but according to some I have the goods and what it takes and all that jazz. So then.. why do I constantly get rejected for fuglies? Now the girls in question, one is from the past, and the other is plaguing me in the present as she is going out with the guy who I believe should rightfully be going out with me. I know that sounds like a grand statement, like the ones I made in my Albert Speer essay which I forgot to mention again, but believe me if you knew the full extent of the story, you would totally understand. But yeah, I've also realised how much friendships with guys are better than actual relationships. I feel good knowing that I won't be the one who will be copping the abuse after a bad breakup, rather the one who consoles. So anyway the one I saw in real life is just.. urrrggggg. She has a hideous lazy eye which just pops out of her head. And to think he chose her over me? At least my eyes are normal.. and omg the other one. Don't get me started. She truly does look like a zoo animal.
ANYWAYS! My day was fucking fun today :) I had Cyndy's party where I caught up with the CK's (cecil kids) AND met the most awesomest girl ever! Her names Beba.. as in croatian/serbian for Baby... AS IN LIKE BABY FROM DIRTY DANCING!! OMFG!!! How fucking mad is that! Man I want her MSN.. she was such an awesome chick! Very much friend material. I CAUGHT UP WITH JEFFREY! Yay :) LOL we went to line up for the flying fox, and soo many fucking hijab wearing kids were there AND THEY PISSED ME OFF SOOO BAD. When it was finally our go.. Jeffrey and I went on together. LMFAO! It was soooo funny. He took it as a chance to grope me =[ Asshole LOL! Then from there, I drove Benita and Jeffrey to Bring It On. I was trying to fix the tape/ipod connector thing because for some reason it wasn't very loud.. then all of a sudden.. BOOOM it went full blast and Single Ladies - Beyonce was playing LOL!! You can imagine my mums reaction.. AHAHA!
Then we got to Bring It On, and I saw like sooo many people I knew in the first 10 or so minutes. So I was stopping and

Me and Nina owned Benita on the chacha.. ahahaha that was fun! Oh, and walking past the aboriginal and Centrelink stalls and yelling out WHERE IS WILLIAM?!?!?! Ahahahaha.. then flicking a condom in his face =) Oh yes, then I had the genius idea of taking a photo of him at the abo space, as seen to your left (H) Fun fun fun.. and now I have no school tomorrow =) Practically holidays.. apart from one exam on wednesday. Fuck.
-eden. [YHTD] We will not break silence. says:
-eden. [YHTD] We will not break silence. says:
*im never gonna get a boner anymore
silent-j // Oh so sickly sweet says:
*ivana he's fucking ugly.
*you deserve betterr
Over and out :)
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